Willie Main, the second son of Jane Scott and James Main (Shoemaker) was born in Stonehaven on the 31st of January 1884. He was one of three sons and six sisters of whom one, Robert passed away at 4 years of age in 1901. Of the remaining siblings, now eight in total, four were leave Scotlands shores for fairer pastures, ending up in New Zealand and Australia.
The family home, No1 Old pier, still stands and is directly to the left of the washing hanging on the line in the center of this photo.
In the search for Willie's art I have had to find lost relatives and far flung family to put as many of his works as possible in the one place and under one roof. Willie was a very prolific painter and there must be dozens, if not hundreds of his works all over the world. I am aware of art in the USA, Scotland, Wales, New Zealand and Australia. There will be many more hidden in attics or hanging on walls without any knowledge of the artist at all.
The objective of this quest is to create a register of as many of Willie's works as possible so they do not become yet another victim of decay and destruction after being left in some attic or shoebox dying a slow and undignified death from neglect.