The earliest known photo of Willie with older brother James (Standing). Photo taken circa 1895 or there about.

James and Jane with two daughters. The long hair is most likely Margaret with Jean in the foreground.

Undoubtably the three sisters in Sydney Australia.

Elder brother James in New Zealand with three fine fish. Photo has been taken behind the chemist shop in Timaru late 1920's.

James standing up against the sun dial on the Pier. Possible early 1950's or late 1940's.

Sixty to seventy years later yours truly standing beside the same sun dial proudly putting my footsteps as close as possible to my late great grand fathers. A very proud moment.

Elder brother James's place of rest in the Timaru Lawn Cemetery. James passed away in Bidwell Hospital after a simple sinus operation became infected. He was 56 years of age.

Taken in 2000 the three Main boys. James (Jim) left, Allan Snr, right. Allan Jnr (AJ) center.